Monday, October 15, 2018

PTO Fundraiser

Parkview PTO is excited to launch two great fundraising programs that will directly support our students and school including you, our amazing teachers. Once again, we will be offering Marcus Movie tickets and Mixed Bag designs. If you haven't picked them up already, we have packets for each student in your class in the office.  Both fundraisers will begin this Monday, October and run through October 26.  All orders and money should be turned in no later than Monday, October 29.  

As an incentive for the kids - the family that sells the most Mixed Bag Designs, and the family that sells the most Marcus tickets and/or gift cards will receive a $25 gift certificate to the book fair in November. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact one of us!

Thanks so much for your help, and for everything you do for our kiddos!

Tricia Hotchkiss and Tracy Braun

1 comment:

  1. I've never been on board with this fundraiser. Whatever happened to selling candy bars? These 2 catalogs are quite expensive. And I'm sure doing something more affordable for ALL families would be a better choice to getting more people involved with raising money.
