Monday, November 27, 2017

Math Facts

Please remember that during quarter 2, we focus on subtraction facts. Your child should practice his/her math facts using flashcards, games, worksheets or Internet websites. You can always access sites on our 3rd grade BLOG as well as having your child log onto Moby Max  (click for link) through our Parkview website. Your child will need his/her username and password that is located in the front of their assignment book. 

This is another great site that has FREE games for math and much more: 

If you ever find any websites or apps, that would be helpful for other families, please send them to us.
Image result for subtraction facts

Ancient Egyptian Sky Program: Wed.

There is a Celestial Realm: The Ancient Egyptian Sky Program that is being held this Wednesday at UWM.  This program is recommended by one of our 3rd grade families that have attended in the past and will continue. The content compliments our 3rd grade Space and Egypt units.  If interested in attending, here is a tip from The Winter Family: While it's at the planetarium, the professor presenting is from the ancient studies department who specializes in Egypt.  We have never been disappointed in a show there, but it's a tiny planetarium, so I recommend getting tickets in advance.
Click here for more information.
~Thanks to the Winter Family for sharing this information.

Friday, November 17, 2017


The third graders will be going to the Nutcracker at the CPAC on Thursday, Nov. 30th around 9:20. We will need 2 chaperones per class and the cost will be $2.00 per student. If you are interested, please let your child's teacher know. After receiving the permission slip, please send it back along with the $2.00. *Two of our third grade students will also be in the performance. Good luck Kailey and Adeline!

Image result for nutcracker

Friday, November 10, 2017

Book Fair

The annual Parkview Scholastic book fair is kicking off next week! This is a huge fundraiser for our IMC- all the money we make goes directly back into the school and the IMC. Last year, we generated over $15,000 in sales which resulted in just over $8,200 in profit for the IMC- new books and new seating. It is a great cause!

Image result for scholastic book fair

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wear Red, White, and Blue Thurs. Nov. 9th!

First of all, thank you to all our Veterans and those that are currently serving! We are truly thankful for all that you have done for our country! 

As thank you to all Veterans, Parkview will be having a Veterans Day Assembly tomorrow. We are asking that your child wears red, white, and blue tomorrow Thursday, November 9th ! 

Happy Veterans Day Clipart

Monday, November 6, 2017

Cinderella Play

Hello Families,
Image result for cinderella posterThe third grade class will be attending the play, Cinderella at the CPAC on November 16th at 10 AM.This play goes along well with our Cinderella Unit where the students are writing their own versions of the familiar story. Due to limited seats we are not requesting any chaperones to come along at this time. Thanks!