Friday, March 29, 2019

Discovery World

As part of our Science unit on Simple Machines, we will be taking a field trip to Discovery World on Thurs. May 2nd, 2019. This field trip will enhance your child’s understanding of Simple Machines.

This will be an all day field trip. If you would like to come, please sign up by CLICKING HERE and you will be invited to join us. PLEASE SIGN UP BY: April 5th. We pay the invoice after that, so we can not add extra chaperones. Thanks for understanding. You will also need to have a background check with the school. Please sign up below your child’s teacher’s name.

Please note that this is an all day trip. We will be leaving Parkview at 9:00 AM and will be returning to school at approximately 3:00 p.m.

Image result for discovery world

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

FORWARD Exam testing schedule

Before and after Spring Break, 3rd grade students will be participating in the FORWARD exam.  Please mark your calendar for these dates.  As parents, you can assist in preparing your child(ren) in the following ways:
  • Ensure regular attendance during the examination window
  • Have your child(ren) get plenty of rest by going to bed at a reasonable time
  • Provide a healthy breakfast

3rd Grade Testing Dates are: April 9, 10, 11, 22, 23, 30, and May 1st.  

Be assured, we will not be testing the entire time on these days.  The test will be given in small increments. For example, on the 10th the suggested testing would take 20 minutes.  Testing times do vary and students will be given as much time as they need to complete their test.  
Thank you for supporting your child to ensure they do their best on the test!
Image result for test

4/1 Games with K4 Buddies

3rd grade will be playing board games with their K4 Buddies on Monday, April 1st.  Your child is invited to bring an age-level appropriate game to play with their buddy.  Example: Uno, Checkers, Lucky Duck, Elefun  (Monopoly would be an example that would be too hard and not enough time to play)
 Image result for lucky ducks gameImage result for uno gameImage result for monkeys jumping on the bedImage result for elephant game with butterflies
3rd Grade
Nacho Party!
Friday, April 5th

On March 28, our Reading Logs/Goals
are due for Quarter 3. We would like to
celebrate with a Nacho Party on Friday,
April 5th.  We are asking for donations
for our party. Please sign up below if
you are able to help.  Send all items to
school the morning of April 5th with your

Muchos Gracias!

Click here for sign-up document