Monday, September 26, 2016

MAP and PIE groups:
Most third graders completed both Reading and Math MAP assessments. Way to take your time and do your best! We will use this data, along with classroom assessments and work to form PIE groups. PIE groups are extension and a time for reteaching or extra support for students in the areas of reading, writing and math. We will start PIE groups on Monday, Sept. 26th. 

Social Studies: Mental Map pretest

Your child took a mental map pretest this past week to see if your child could map out the entire world and include the 7 continents and 5 oceans. We will send this information home. Your child can practice creating a mental map to prepare for the end of the unit test. (Please see the attached note below which will also be sent home this week with your child).

This week we will continue to work on story elements and mapping out the story using a story map graphic organizer. We will begin to explain how to write a letter and include all the summarizing events for fiction stories.

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