Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A Word from Mr. Lunk...

Dear 3rd Grade Parkview Families,

I am pleased to announce that our recorders have arrived!  This is music to your ears I am sure!  :-)  Your child in Mrs. French’s class will be given their recorder on Wednesday, Jan. 29th, during their music class.  If your child is bringing their own recorder from home, please have them put and keep it in their backpack and bring it with them to music class on Wednesday, Jan. 29th.  I am asking that students keep their recorders in their backpacks at all times when they are not playing or cleaning them.  Students will not be allowed to take their recorder out of their backpack on the bus, at Y-care, or during recess.  Please notify me immediately if your child’s recorder becomes lost or broken so I can issue them a school rental.  Students are encouraged to practice their instrument at home, but it is not a requirement. Your child will need to bring their recorder with them to every music class for the remainder of the school year.

Depending on how often your child practices, recorders can be cleaned once a week or every other week.  Avoid cleaning them in the dishwasher as they can sometimes melt.  I clean mine in the sink with warm water, a drop of dish soap, and sometimes a splash of hydrogen peroxide.  Rise well and let air dry.  A cloth towel may also be used to dry the outside.  Please avoid using paper products (Kleenex, paper towel, etc..) to dry the recorder as it leaves paper particles behind that become germ magnets. 

Let the fun begin!
Mr. Lunk 

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