Jump Rope For Heart:
Parkview will again be participating in Jump Rope for Heart this year! The date for the third grade event is Tuesday, February 20th from 3:45-5:30pm.
This event offers many benefits. First, the money our school raises will help fund potential life saving research into heart disease and stroke. This event will also teach the importance of heart health, community service, staying fit and the importance of physical activity.
Your child will have an opportunity to raise money to the American Heart Association by participating in this event, but is not required to raise any money to participate. If your child receives any donations, they will be eligible for various thank you gifts from the American Heart Association as well as a ticket to see the Milwaukee Bucks ( any child that raises $10 or more will receive a ticket).
If you have any questions please refer back to the note that was sent home or contact the amazing Ms. Knier at rknier@cedarburg.k12.wi.us.