
Third Grade Daily Schedule 

8:45-9:00 - Homeroom

9:00-9:20 - Math: Number Corner

9:50-10:35 AMP(Gym, Music, Art) *AMP rotation
might be changed.
*We will have a rotating schedule.
IF we miss a day of specials due to a field trip
we have that same class the next day.

Ms. French's Class:
A- Physical Education
B- Art
C- Music
= IMC (library)

Mr. Moran's Class:
A- Music
B- Physical Education
C- Art
= IMC (library)

Mrs. Studer's Class:
A- Art
B- Music
C- Physical Education
= IMC (library)

10:35-11:00 Math Workshop  

11:00-11:30 Social Studies/Science

11:30-12:15 Recess/Lunch

12:15-12:30  Word Study

12:30-1:00 PIE (Prevention, Intervention & Extension)

1:00-1:50  Reader’s Workshop

1:50-2:05 Recess

2:30-3:30 Writer’s Workshop

3:30-3:35 - Homeroom

3:35 Dismissal

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