MAP testing reminders: Please make sure your child is well rested and has a healthy snack the day of testing. We will have snack prior to testing.
Moldenhauer- Tues 1/17 @ 1:55-2:55
Studer- Wed 1/18 @ 1:55-2:55
French- Thurs 1/19 @ 1:55-2:55
** Make-up/ Finish Time- Fri 1/20 @ 1:55-2:55
PBIS Winter Celebration:
On Monday, Jan. 16th each classroom has earned a sledding celebration.
French: 10:30-11
Moldenhauer: 11- 11:30
Studer: 2:00- 2:30
Please make sure your child has:
- snow pants
- boots
- hats, mittens etc.
- small sled (no tubes or large sleds) *If your child takes the bus, they can borrow a sled at school or a parent can drop it off. The bus does not have room for sleds. Thanks!
Moon Phase Project:
Each night your child should look outside to see the moon and draw what they see in his/her moon phase project packet. This assignment was given on 1/12 and is due 1/31. Your child is required to look at the moon for 13 days for an EX (see rubric) and then write a response about how and why the moon changes.
*If you need an extra copy, please go to the Family Notes page.
Moon Phase Project: (If your child looks and can't see the moon, you can look up the moon online, click link).
Homework Reminders:
Please make sure your child is reading 15 minutes per night, practicing his/her math fact fluency for 5 minutes per night. Currently, we are working on subtraction but if your child has mastered subtraction facts your child can begin working on multiplication facts. Your child can practice with games, flashcards and computer sites/apps.
*Please remember to sign or initial the assignment book each night.
Mrs. Studer's class started cursive this week and Mrs. Moldenhauer's & Mrs. French's classes will start next week. Each day a letter will be introduced and your child will have a few minutes in class to practice. Then, your child should finish the page at night. On Friday, the book will be turned in and graded by homeroom teachers.
Your child will be graded on:
Responsibility: Turning in each Friday complete will earn an EX.
Quality of Work: Neatness and taking time